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SSHFSAndroid 1.2a
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SSHFSAndroid is SSHFS (SSH FileSystem) forAndroid devices. It allows you to mount directories from any SSHserver to your Android device. Whenever a remote filesystem ismounted, its files will appear as if they are stored locally onyour Android device.Have a media collection that just won't fit on your phone?Mount and stream it with SSHFSAndroid!Sorry for the long, long wait, everyone – SSHFSAndroid now(experimentally) supports Android 5.0+!DISCLAIMER:====================This is an *ALPHA* release. SSHFSAndroid is a personal side projectof mine, not my day job. As such, I am unable to do $X hours oftesting on $Y number of different devices. As much as I would liketo, I cannot guarantee perfection. Please rate with all of this inmind. If you encounter issues, please send me an email beforerating negatively. Thanks! :)PREREQUISITES:====================- busybox (with symlinks)- su (root)- FUSE support (in-kernel or fuse.ko module)Note: The stock kernels in Android versions >= ICS shouldhave in-kernel FUSE by default. If you are using a custom kernel,you might not!*** PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THIS APP IF YOU HAVE NOT VERIFIEDTHAT YOUR DEVICE MEETS THE REQUIRED PREREQUISITES. YOU HAVE BEENWARNED. IN CAPS. ***FAQ:====================Q: Why can't my media player find the files I've mounted withSSHFSAndroid?A: Android's media scanner will not scan remote filesystem mounts.Try using a file-based player that does not rely on Android's mediascanner.Q: Can I use public key authentication? I can't get it towork.A: Public key authentication is supported ("Advanced Options" >"IdentityFile"). However, your key file must not bepassword-protected and your public key must be copied to yourserver (typically via ssh-copy-id) beforehand.Q: How do I use option $X in "Advanced Options"?A: Check man pages for ssh and sshfs for documentation.SSH: http://linux.die.net/man/1/sshSSHFS: http://linux.die.net/man/1/sshfsQ: Why doesn't option $X in "Advanced Options" work?A: Sorry, but I (probably) don't know. SSHFS has a ton of options;too many for me to test. A lot of options aren't even relevant onAndroid devices. The advanced options were only included out ofposterity and are predominantly untested.Q: My server listens on a port other than 22. How do I configurethat?A: "Advanced Options" > "Port". Easy!Q: If not /mnt/sdcard, where should I be mounting to?A: Mounting under /system seems to be the most stable. I suggestsomething like: /system/sshfs/mount_point_here